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Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Bridgeport, CT (Sept. 24, 2014) – Marissa Zingaro of Milford, a nurse in the surgical intensive care unit, is the latest monthly recipient of the Bridgeport Hospital Quality Award for her compassionate patient care.
Marissa, who joined the hospital two years ago, was nominated after caring for a young man who suffered a fatal injury in August.
“Marissa devoted three shifts to never leaving this patient’s bedside,” her nominator, fellow nurse Tom Fedora, wrote. “After a difficult meeting, the family made the decision to donate the patient’s organs. Looking on, I could tell the family was saying goodbye.”
Marissa stood outside the patient’s room to give the family some privacy.
“What I saw next said more about Marissa than any words could,” Tom wrote.
With tears streaming down his face, the patient’s father grabbed Marissa and gave her a hug.
“Marissa connected with this family as more than a caregiver,” said Tom. “She became a mentor, guiding them through the process of losing a son.”
The Bridgeport Hospital Quality Award, launched in April, combined and replaced two former recognition programs, the Employee of the Quarter program and the Making the Difference program. The new program is driven by accounts from patients, families and co-workers about the outstanding care provide by hospital staff members. Recipients of the award receive a certificate and an engraved glass bowl.
Nomination forms for the award are available on the hospital website, www.bridgeporthospital.org, by selecting “Recognize a Caregiver” from the menu at the bottom of the home page.
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